What is a "breathable crib mattress"?
A breathable crib mattress allows your baby to breathe through the surface in case they roll over to be face down. Beyond added safety, a breathable crib mattress tends to be more comfortable as it allows airflow between the baby and the mattress which results in a cooler and less sweaty sleep.
How does Naturepedic do breathability differently than everybody else?
Naturepedic Breathable Baby Crib Mattresses come with a breathable layer on the surface of the mattress, rather than making the mattress breathable all the way through (including the interior of the mattress). The breathable layer is removable, is machine washable, and doubles as a mattress protector because it has a waterproof backing.
Why is the Naturepedic design better than a crib mattress that is breathable all the way through?
We believe crib mattresses that are breathable all the way through pose a safety risk to the baby without any added breathability benefit. If liquid penetrates the surface of the mattress and seeps into the interior, it is virtually impossible to clean. This is unavoidable - babies are messy, and accidents will happen! This will lead to mold growth, which can contaminate the air your baby breathes in. Some designs allow you to wash the mattress core in the shower using cold water. However, this is highly impractical for several reasons. Drying can take several hours and newborns sleep every 90 minutes, so your baby might get stuck with nowhere to sleep. Where are you going to put Baby when a 2 a.m. blowout happens, and the crib mattress is drying in the shower? Additionally, that kind of breathable crib mattress is often made with phosphate flame retardants, which are known to be toxic.
Naturepedic breathable crib mattresses have a waterproof core that is covered with our exclusive, food-grade surface made from non-GMO sugarcane. The breathable layer is on the outside of the waterproof core so you get the best of both worlds: a breathable surface, plus a mattress core that will stay dry and hygienic.
Is there an official rating for breathable crib mattresses?
There is an official test for crib mattress breathability that is administered by a third-party lab. In the test, a device is placed on the mattress surface and mimics a baby breathing face down. The device measures the air resistance to determine if the surface is truly breathable or not. The score is between 0 and 100, with a lower score denoting higher breathability. Any score lower than a 16 is a passing score, meaning that a baby can breathe through the surface indefinitely. Naturepedic breathable crib mattresses scored a two, which is about the best you can get. We have tested other "breathable" crib mattresses on the market, including the ones that are breathable all the way through, and none score lower than a two. In fact, most of them scored higher (less breathable).
The Naturepedic design provides the highest level of breathability, without compromising on a safer, healthier, hygienic and high-quality crib mattress underneath.
Is "organic" or "breathable" more important?
They are both important. However, if the mattress is breathable, the "organic" part is even more important. If babies can breathe "into" the mattress, we need to ask, "How safe is the air quality that they are breathing in?" A Naturepedic certified organic mattress guarantees that there will be no off gassing of flame retardant chemicals or other toxic materials beyond the GREENGUARD® Gold standard, either inside or outside the mattress. Naturepedic is the only manufacturer that makes crib mattresses that are certified organic, breathable and waterproof.
What is the difference between lightweight and innerspring?
A lightweight crib mattress makes changing sheets a lot easier, as lifting a crib mattress out of a crib can be cumbersome. Our lightweight organic crib mattresses feature our patented WaveSupport technology, which is both supportive and extremely lightweight. The mattress core is made from food-grade polyethylene, a safer material than polyurethane foam.
The innerspring version is for those who want the ultimate in support and durability. The innerspring has 252 coils, which is among the highest coil count in the industry. It disperses the weight of the baby over more coils, reducing pressure points. It also has a heavy-duty border rod for extra support around the perimeter. If you plan to use the crib mattress in a toddler bed, where an adult may sit on the edge, the innerspring may be a better choice.
For a more complete breakdown of the differences between our lightweight and innerspring crib mattresses, you can check out
this blog post.
What is the difference between the Breathable and Breathable Ultra Organic Baby Crib Mattresses?
While both models meet the highest standards for breathability, there are some differences. The Breathable Organic Baby Crib Mattress has a waterproof backing on the removable cover, which prevents liquids from reaching the mattress. On the other hand, the Breathable Ultra comes with a separate flat waterproof pad that is meant to go between the mattress and the cover. The flat waterproof pad is also great for traveling, as you can use it on just about any surface where you want to put your baby down. The Breathable Ultra also has a thicker breathable layer for extra airflow as well as an upgraded, more luxurious organic-cotton surface.
Do I need a waterproof mattress protector?
No. The cover has a waterproof backing that protects the mattress. It is removable and machine washable. For added convenience, buy an extra
organic breathable crib mattress protector so you can have a backup when one is in the wash.
Will this crib mattress fit my crib?
All full size cribs in the United States are a standard size. As long as you have a standard crib (roughly 52" x 28"), Naturepedic crib mattresses should fit.
Should I use a sheet with Naturepedic Breathable Organic crib mattresses?
We recommend using a sheet with all of our crib mattresses. You can launder your crib sheets without removing the breathable layer, which only needs to be laundered if there is a spill that leaks through the sheet. The breathable layer should be laundered every 1-2 weeks.
Will a sheet reduce the breathability of the mattress?
Most standard crib sheets allow enough airflow that the breathability will not be affected. You can test your sheets by making a seal with your mouth and trying to breathe through them. You should not feel a lot of resistance. Densely woven or coated fabrics may reduce breathability. For maximum airflow, we recommend using
Organic Breathable Crib Sheets.
Is the breathable cover included?
Yes, the Breathable Organic Baby Crib Mattress comes with a Breathable Organic Crib Mattress Cover.
Can I buy extra breathable protector covers?
"2-Stage" means the crib mattress has a firm side and a slightly softer side. For infants, use the firm side. Once the baby is approximately one year old, turn the mattress over for a more comfortable sleep surface. Both sides are firm enough to be safe for an infant.
How firm should a crib mattress be?
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) recommend a firm, flat crib mattress. If it feels comfy to you, it's probably too soft for your baby. This is sometimes surprising for new parents since it is counterintuitive. But it is actually safer. Soft mattresses can form depressions that may become a suffocation hazard. Additionally, if the baby is in an uncomfortable position or needs to move their head or body in order to get clear of an obstruction, it will be much easier on a firm surface. For an adult, it's like the difference between being stuck in a giant pile of pillows, which is difficult to crawl out of, versus a surface that has resistance when pushed against. The last thing we want is for the baby to feel "stuck" in a position on a soft mattress.
Will Naturepedic baby mattresses fit a toddler bed?
Yes. Toddler beds are the same size as cribs. The only difference is that they are usually open on one side so your toddler can climb in and out.
What is the weight limit for the Organic Ultra Breathable Crib Mattress?
80 lbs for the lightweight version. 100 lbs for the innerspring version.