4 Fun Ways to Enjoy Watermelon this Summer

4 Fun Ways to Enjoy Watermelon this Summer


As we all know, watermelon is one of the best summertime staples. As soon as the Fourth of July hits, eating watermelon is an indivisible part of summer, acting as both a delicious dessert after dinner and a refreshing midday snack.

Taking that first bite into a ripe, juicy, and crunchy slice of watermelon on a scorching summer day is one of the most satisfying experiences ever—it just doesn’t get any tastier than that! 

But watermelon isn’t just for snacking—it can be sliced, diced, grilled, or even marinated. It can be made into skewers, ice pops, fruit salad, or even tangy barbecue sauce. Plus, there’s countless summertime drinks, like watermelon mojitos or smoothies, that you can make with watermelon as the base.

If you’re looking to celebrate National Watermelon Day with creativity and pizazz, check out these four fun ways to enjoy everybody’s favorite summer fruit.

Spice Things Up With Watermelon Salsa

It’s easy to think of recipes for watermelon that capitalize on it’s fruity, juicy taste — but what about pairing it with savory ingredients for something totally different? Watermelon salsa is a welcome twist. All you need is one seedless watermelon, red onion, an orange and green bell pepper, and cilantro. Simply dice or chop all of these ingredients into small pieces, and mix in a bit of cumin (one teaspoon will do) and the juice of one lime. Add salt to taste, and before long, you’ll be enjoying chips and watermelon salsa on a hot summer’s day!

Stay Hydrated With Watermelon Lemondae

With just two ingredients, you can introduce the family to an entirely new take on the summer lemonade stand. All you need to do is cut up some watermelon chunks and cut the rind off of some lemon slices. Add the two fruits to a blender, and blend it up! The consistency will be more like a smoothie—in fact, you can add ice to make a watermelon slushie. Your kids will love offering watermelon lemonade at their stand as a fun alternative to traditional yellow lemonade.

Organize a Seed-Spitting Contest With The Neighbors

Of course, one of the best uses of watermelon is turning it into a summer game. Round up some of the neighbors and cut slices of seeded watermelon for each player. Draw lines with chalk on your driveway, signalling various distances for the seed-spitting. Have each person line up and take a bite of their watermelon. If they chomp on any seeds, they can take a turn spitting the seeds as far as they possibly can on your distance-measuring course. This is not only a fun way to pass the time, but a great way to enjoy a healthy snack with the whole neighborhood as well!

Make Your Own Watermelon Popsicles

The only thing more refreshing than a cold slice of watermelon on a summer’s day is a frozen slice of watermelon. That’s right—you can easily transform a ripe watermelon into incredibly delicious frozen popsicles. This is a great method for watermelons that are overly large or not-so-great, as you can use up every bit of the watermelon in your popsicles. Simply puree three heaping cups of cubed watermelon, one cup of strawberries (fresh or frozen), and the juice and zest of one lime in a blender. Pour this mixture into popsicle molds and freeze them overnight. In the morning, you’ll have some truly delightful (and healthy) popsicles made entirely from summer fruits.

How are you planning on celebrating National Watermelon Day? If you are thinking about other ways you can introduce fun and creative organic recipes to your family, Naturepedic has plenty of options—like this Watermelon Switchel Recipe, which is one of our all-time favorites!