A mattress is a big investment. It’s one that a lot of us dread having to make – mattresses come with a big price tag, choosing the right one can be stressful and set-up can be, well, chaotic. But replacing your mattress is unavoidable: mattresses don’t last forever.
If you're buying a GOTS certified organic mattress (like all of our mattresses here at Naturepedic!), a mattress isn’t just an investment in your sleep but also in your health, your home's indoor air quality and the environment! That’s not just a big investment, that’s a monumental investment – and one that most of us want to make last for a long, long time.
Believe it or not, you actually have a lot of control over your mattress’s longevity – from choosing the right mattress to begin with, to setting up properly at home, to cleaning it regularly and more. Here are our mattress care tips to make your certified organic mattress last as long as possible.
How Long Do Mattresses Last?

Even if you take the best care of it, your mattress, like must household furnishings, will eventually need to be replaced. Most mattresses last somewhere between seven and 10 years before their support, pressure-relieving capabilities, etc. begin to lose their effectiveness.
How long your mattress will last is also dependent on the type of mattress you buy. Take a look:
- Latex: Appx. 7.5-8.5 years
- Hybrid: Appx. 6.5-7.5 years
- Foam: Appx. 6-7 years
- Innerspring: Appx. 5-6 years
And don’t underestimate the importance of investing in a quality, handcrafted mattress. When it comes to mattresses, not all construction materials are created equal. Natural materials like organic cotton, organic wool and natural latex are more durable than synthetic materials – made by Mother Nature means made to last!
Mattress Set-up Tips

You’ve just purchased a mattress and are getting ready to set it up in your home. What steps can you take now to maximize your mattress’s lifespan?
First, you will want to invest in a high-quality mattress foundation. Strong center supports prevent uneven weight distribution and thus help to prevent mattresses from sagging in the middle over time – but that’s not all! This also helps to ensure your proper spinal alignment while sleeping. If you use a foundation with slats, make sure that they are spaced close enough together to prevent grooves in the mattress over time – ideally, they’ll be no more than 3" apart.
Can I Just Put my Mattress on the Floor?
No! It may be tempting, if you’re working on a tight budget or have a unique design sense, to bypass a foundation. However, placing your mattress directly on the floor could cause damage to both the mattress and your carpets or flooring. It’s also worth noting that using a mattress without a foundation could invalidate your mattress’s warranty.
Any Additional Set-up Precautions?
After you’ve got your mattress and foundation set up, there’s one more step you’ll want to add before your bedding: a waterproof, machine-washable mattress protector. This fitted layer goes underneath the fitted sheet, and is designed as a barrier to protect your new mattress from:
- Sweat, spills and other mildew-causing moisture
- Allergenic dust mites, pet dander, etc.
- Dirt and other potential contaminants
Organic Mattress Cleaning Tips

Did you know that you can – and should! – clean your mattress? If you were unaware, you’re not alone. But yes, you can clean your mattress and, yes, you very much should.
For certified organic mattresses like Naturepedic’s, we’ve got some helpful mattress-cleaning tips for you. Here’s a step-by-step process you can follow:
- Strip off and launder all bedding.
- Spot-clean any visible stains with hydrogen peroxide or rubbing alcohol.
- Sprinkle the mattress’s surface with baking soda and let sit for one hour.
- Vacuum the mattress’s surface with your vacuum’s upholstery attachment.
Everyone’s needs may vary, but once a month is a good rule of thumb for deep cleaning your mattress. Want to keep your mattress even cleaner between these sessions? Invest in that machine-washable mattress protector pad to help keep your mattress sparkling clean.
5 Other Ways You Can Make Your Mattress Last Longer
You’ve got your mattress all set-up, you’re prepared to clean it monthly … so now what? Here are some lifestyle tips to help you extend your mattress’s lifespan even longer.
1. Wash Your Linens Regularly
Sweat, oils, hair, skin cells, cosmetics, saliva … we subject our beds to some yucky things while we sleep. One way to prolong your mattress’s lifespan is to keep your sheets clean. Bed linens should be washed every one to two weeks – even with a mattress protector. In fact, washing your linens should include your mattress protector, too.
Pro-tip for sheets: Buying GOTS certified organic cotton sheets means that you’re sleeping on a much more breathable fabric and could help reduce night sweats.

2. Keep Furry Friends Off the Bed
We know this is a toughie for some. We love our fur babies as much as you. But do our mattresses? Not so much.
For all the grime humans bring to bed, pets bring twice as much. Even the best-groomed pets run and play outside with bare paws, drool, and shed hair, fur and cells just like you – and all that winds up in your bed. Not to mention occasional, unavoidable accidents! Best to get Fido their own bed to cuddle up on at night … and save those puppy snuggles for the waking hours.
3. No Jumping on the Bed!
4. Rotate Your Mattress
Does your mattress have a squishy spot? Have you tried rotating it? Mattresses can benefit from regular 180° rotations, regardless of the material, age or size.
Your mattress will get worn down, it’s unavoidable. Rotating helps to ensure that it gets worn down evenly, which prolongs its lifespan. This is crucial in the first couple years you have your mattress, when most of the breaking-in process occurs.

Your mama wasn’t lying when she told you: no more monkeys jumping on the bed! Innerspring, foam, water and air mattresses, plus frames and foundations are all subject to damage with rough wear. Be gentle on your mattress – if you want to jump, get a trampoline.
5. Don’t Eat in Bed
We know the midnight snack or morning coffee in bed is tempting. But regardless of how careful you are, eating or drinking in bed will leave behind crumbs and can lead to spills, which lead to lingering odors and mold growth and even bug infestations. Yuck!
Know Your Sleep Trial & Warranty Info
Following all these steps, and still noticing that your new bed just doesn’t feel as good as it did a couple months ago? Maybe you’re not the problem! It’s important to know your mattress’s sleep trial and warranty information before you buy, in case your mattress just doesn’t live up to your expectations. And don’t remove your mattress tag! This voids the warranty in many cases.
Naturepedic offers 100-night risk-free sleep trials on all mattresses, free shipping and free returns. Beyond those 100 nights, Naturepedic offers a 25-year limited warranty on all our Adult and Kids mattresses, and a lifetime limited warranty on baby mattresses. Additionally, our EOS customizable mattress collection features mattresses with interchangeable layers that you can swap our over time – which means your mattress can last decades! You deserve a comfortable night’s sleep on a safer, healthier, supportive mattress – don’t settle for anything less.
If you’re looking for specific care tips for your favorite Naturepedic products, please check out our Product Care page.